He wanted to write his own blog today....
So I said I'd tell you about his personality and his traits and that's exactly what I'm going to do!
2. He hates it when we go. When the twins or mum go out to school he will jump up at the door and whine!
3. Leading on from the second point, whenever someone goes out the front door but leaves the door ajar so they can get back in, Luka takes pride and responsibility in jumping at the door and locking us out for good.
5. We go on about 25 miles worth of walks a week so he is very energetic and alert.
6. He doesn't like the guinea pigs or cats! Or for that matter even birds!
7. When we go up to bed, he independently gets in his crate to sleep.
9. If he can't get to sleep, I hum to him and he drifts off eventually!
10. He has a special "scratching spot." If you scratch him just above the area in between the two of his eyes he closes his eyes and goes to sleep on the spot!
11. He is our guard dog. (Although maybe too alert...) If ANYTHING outside the house even flinches he barks and jumps :)
12. He knows the tricks "sit", "stay", "down", "come", "let go( in progress;) )", "out" and "no."
13. Once he's hosed down from muddy walks, he has to be dried, but he HATES towels. If we lay one on the floor for him to lay on while we dry him, he attacks it!
14. Because of our tiled and "slippery" floor, Luka runs on the spot for 5 seconds before his paws actually get a grip on the floor! (It's hilarious!)
So there we have it! 15 facts about Luka that make being him unique! I will keep putting personality fact posts about once a month from now on, but there's today's! Sorry there's only one picture, my iPod has full capacity and I need to remove some photos and Dad's taken his iPad to rugby with Ryan. Anyway, must go, bye:D
Sounds so familiar to all his brothers and sisters :-)